Easy Habit to Break

Habits are weird.
Bad habits are so hard to break, but good habits easily fall to the wayside.  What is up with that?
Let's take something simple like, taking prescription medication.  I am in the habit of taking my medication in the morning before breakfast, usually during the 32 seconds it takes for my coffee to brew.  Take me out of my house and throw me in a hotel and this habit is broken.  Just like that.  This deeply seeded habit is like a leaf in the wind when I am not standing at my kitchen sink at 7:30am to take my medication.
On the flipside the bad ones are hard to eliminate.  Nail biting, stopping at Starbucks for a mid-day Venti Passion Ice Tea Lemonade, donuts, waiting to plan dinner until 4:55pm and so many more.  I can stop for a few stays, but the bad habits like to creep back up on me swiftly.
Now that you have endured my course on Habits 101, I shall get to the point.
I think what makes the good habits and bad habits stick around is predictability of and environment.  When I'm home and my schedule is predictable it is easy for me to stick with things I desire to keep in my life and, unfortunately, continue with things I'd rather not have in my life.
This means that my current situation is extremely vital.  As I am new to my home, my schedule, my area, well my whole life here, I have an amazing opportunity to eliminate some of the bad habits of the past (tossing freshly cleaned laundry in a laundry basket rather than folding them right away where they then will sit for days or a week) and starting new habits.
My environment has changed as so as I recreate my daily routine I am at a pivotal point where I get to decide what I want to make a habit and what I want to allow to fall to the wayside.  I'm a builder laying the foundation for my home.  Once that cement dries it is going to be hard to change things around.  I need to draw the lines, make sure my foundation is following the Plan, and then commit to the building.
I think it is a pretty fabulous opportunity, one of the many benefits of military living, but it is also a lot of pressure.  If I leave the dishes in the sink, the clothes in the dryer or the shoes in the hall even one time, I'm confusing my brain.  It doesn't know what my habit is supposed to be.
So this is where I'm at.  I'm trying to decide how I desire to spend the hours in my day.  I need to work out how to accomplish the things I need to as a woman, wife, mother, and friend most effectively and efficiently.
Each action I take, I am thoughtfully considering if it is something that I want to become a habit.


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