Hunchback of the Pacific Northwest

I was doing a little yard work over Spring Break.
I don't mind working in the yard.  I don't love it and I don't hate it.
Everything was moving along just fine on my project until I had a little encounter with the folks at the OmeHay EpotDay and then God punished me for my bad attitude.

There was a Spring sale on mulch at my local garden supply super store, although there are numerous stores that sell mulch in the area, I chose the big orange one because I'm a bargain hunter and $2 per bag was a good deal.
Originally, the mulch sale was ending on 4/11.  I loaded up the ol SUV with as much mulch as I could cram in the back - but that is only 10 bags.  After laying that splinter causing, back breaking stuff down I realized I needed 10 more bags.  I did a little comparison shopping online, and much to my complete and utter joy, the mulch sale at the orange place was extended through 4/15.  This was good news because I didn't want to have mismatched mulch.
On 4/13 I headed on over to load up the car one more time.  When I asked the salesperson to open the pallet of brown mulch she told me "it isn't on sale anymore".
I told her that the store website indicates that it is actually on sell and I'll need 10 bags.  She told me the flyer says the sale ended, to which I responded that the website said it is still on sale.
We were at a stalemate.
I asked her to call her manager while I picked up some other items.
She left.
And never came back.

When I gathered my supplies and headed back to the register a new salesperson was there.  We had the same discussion about the paper ad being different from the online ad but she was willing to just look at my phone, see the sale price and go with it. 
When I asked her my military discount and showed her my ID she said they don't give discounts for ID's anymore.  I politely sarcastically asked if this policy just started today?  Because I was there two days earlier and they gave me the discount with no problem.
It was raining, I was annoyed.  I dropped the discount quest and asked for her to open the pallet so that I could get my mulch.
She said "just go find someone working out there and they will open it for you".


I ran into the rain soaked worker out in the bulk mulch section, she was smiling and sweet and said "do you need something?"
I said "I need to push you into a pile of mulch to make me feel better about this entire experience".  Thankfully, I was using my inside my head voice.
Audibly I said "Madeline.  I am going to try to be really nice to you because you are not the cause of my frustration.  I need brown mulch.  Can you help me with this seemingly impossible quest?"

Then I got home unloaded all 10,000,000 pounds of mulch and hauled it all over my "3 inches of mulch required in the alley" area.  Eli was planning to help after baseball practice but I just wanted it done.  And so I proceeded to turn a perfectly functioning back into a no longer able to move back.

And the wind rustled and I swear I heard a voice in the leaves say "patience".

And that is how I became the Hunchback of the Pacific Northwest.

Aaron the aggressive massage guy told me to do stretches and make sure I use my legs with lifting heavy items.  Thanks Aaron.  I'll remember that after I get out of traction.


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