Blame it on the Pirates.

It is amazing how many stories are in the news about pirates boarding ships and taking treasures. So much for the visual image of a sword yielding pirate with a patch on his eye and bird on his shoulders, now we have Africans toting semi-automatic weapons and driving high powered speed boats.
So, it has been 65 days since our house was boxed up. Those boxes were put into a big crates, and those crates were supposed to be loaded onto a ship in Baltimore. With no word of when we will actually get our stuff, I'm beginning to wonder if the pirates got it. I haven't heard of any pirate activity in the shipping lanes between the US and Europe, but maybe that is just because nobody has reported it yet. Until I get my stuff, I'm blaming the pirates.


Christy said…
Those pirates!!! I think they have my cell phone, too.

I'm enjoying reading your're a clever writer!

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