Run Away

I won a free 30 day trial to a local gym that I hate.
I am so glad that there are a lot of old people working out at this gym.  I applaud them for maintaining some level of fitness as they wander into their later years, but I don't necessarily enjoy that there are so many of them!
Seriously 100 old people were on the ellipticals and treadmills today at the gym and I was so irritated.  Why?  Because there are only 100 ellipticals and treadmills.
So there I stood waiting patiently for one to open up while I watched 20 old guys plodding along in their street clothes - yes Izod button up shirts, jeans with a belt and Rockports - on the treadmill at a whopping 1.5 miles per hour.  One finally opened up and as I started to bolt toward it, grandma and her Reader's Digest cuts me off and takes over.
If you only want to walk at a pace of 1.5 miles per hour why not go to the mall? Do you need to take up a precious treadmill to walk at the pace equivalent to grocery shopping, perusing Costco, or moving from JC Penny to Macy's in the mall?  Come on people.
The other group of people that irritate me are the pretty ones who either expect results without working or don't care about results but it is cool to "work out".  If you are sitting on a recumbent bike while reading a book and texting, my guess is you will have to be there for 6.5 HOURS to burn off the smoothing you are sucking down.  I've read somewhere if you can sing, you are not moving fast enough.  I think that applies to texting too.  If you can text while running, cycling or ellipticalizing (?) you are not moving fast enough and therefore wasting space.  If you come in full make-up and you leave in full make-up without reapplying, you are not working hard enough. Get out of the gym and off of the treadmill!
In the end, after pouting for 10 minutes, I got my turn and jumped on a machine.  I ran 5 miles and looked like I was about to die.  If I had taken the time to apply make-up it would have either melted down onto my shirt or onto the treadmill itself I was sweating so bad.  I'm a face sweater.  Gross.  My face was so red when I left the gym, I honestly looked like I put my face under scalding hot water or the tanning bad for way too long.  I was gross, I smelled, I was sweaty and I was breathing rather heavy and probably loud but I knocked out 5 miles in just over 49 minutes.
My free trial ends in a week.  I have faithfully taken advantage of it, but will not even consider paying to join.
Thank goodness the groundhog predicts and early spring because at the end of this trial, these shoes are hitting the pavement!  I have 8 minutes to knock off my half-marathon time, I can't sit around waiting for treadmills to open up!


Allison said…
Way to go! When is your half-marathon you're gearing up for? Bravo, bravo.

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