Magical Three Miles

We live 1.5 miles from a donut shop called Heavenly Donuts.  And they are heavenly. So heavenly that we have incorporated a stop at Heavenly on our way to church every Sunday.  Only on Sundays though!  The donuts are a reward for getting up and ready on time on a Sunday morning.  I admit it, we totally bribe the kids with the donut.  IF they are ready by a certain time AND I have not yelled at them to get ready by the predetermined time, then they get a donut.  Perfect plan.
Except....I've been working out 3 to 4 days a week for the past few weeks and trying hard to watch what I'm eating.  No specific diet, but just being diligent about avoiding all sorts of junky foods.  But only the strongest person can resist a Heavenly Donut, and I'm not that person.
What to do?  Run three magical miles.  Why are they magic?  Because they burn off that donut that I just ate!
I have no training or official knowledge in nutrition or dieting but I do know this: my old fashioned glazed donut, a cinnamon crunch bagel, a few cookies, a cup of frozen yogurt with a few toppings, each can be erased by simply running 3 miles.  Now, it isn't like "sins are forgiven" kind of erased.  Yes, I ate all that sugar and my body has to deal with it, but I'm just saying
300 calories consumed - 300 calories burned = I don't feel guilty about my little fried piece of Heaven!

I might venture to claim that my donut actually helped me run faster.  I know it is a stretch and I haven't replicated this experiment yet, so I can't claim it as fact but, today after eating my donut and going to church, I came home laced up my shoes and ran my fastest 3.6 miles to date.  That's right.  Donut power!  My 5k was clocked (by my super cool pink GPS watch) at 29.03!!  But I wasn't home yet.. so I had to run a little further and brought in my 3.6 miles at 34:07.  Woohoo!

So eat your donut, go to church, go for a run, then take a nap!  Perfect my opinion!


Allison said…
Of course! And way to go on your speed!

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