Volunteer Update
This is the email sent to the people I listed as references for my volunteer application.
My name is xxxxx, and I am the Nursery Director at xxxxxxx in Olympia, Washington.
Department. She gave you as one of her references. I would very much apprciate
you taking the time to respond to some questions about her. (See below.)
Thank you,
1. How do you know Clarissa ?
2. How long have you known her ?
3. How often do you have contact with her ?
4. Does she get along well with others?
5. Is she respectful of those in leadership ?
6. Have you seen her with children ?
If the answer is ‘yes’, what were the ages of the children?
If the answer is 'yes', what have you seen? (Kindness, patience, etc.)
7. Would you trust her to care for your own children ?
8. Is she reliable ? On time ?
9. Do you consider her to be a good candidate for working with children?
10. Are there any skills or abilities she has that you think would be helpful when working with
children? (Example: music, crafts, storytelling, etc.)
I would like to share my favorite comments from the first two victims who had to fill this out for me:
I especially liked #9 (is she respectful of leadership?) Because if you've gone this far with their over-the-top expectations you're clearly on board with their expectations.
Holy smokes this church is serious.
For the last question I'd like to put "has mad karaoke skills"
She wrote the email in garamond font, I have a hard time taking her serious.
Going off your attitude I'm not sure I can comfortably answer questions 4 and 5.
Are you texting while driving? I'm going to have to report that in my referral letter. (I wasn't by the way)
I'm glad the referral form has provided my friends with entertainment. I think they should choose not to fill it out and therefore deeming me unfit to volunteer.