Clean = Peace

Yesterday Eli was sitting on the couch in the family room and said "mom, I love it when our house is clean.  It is so peaceful."

I couldn't believe my ears!  Yes!  This is what I have been saying for the past 16 years of marriage.  A clean house is a peaceful house.  You can easily find a place to sit, eat, read, watch TV, whatever, because the floor, furniture and tables are all free of clutter and dirt.

I was so pleased.  What a happy day!  He finally gets it!  Life is so much better when you can find your bed without having to throw stuff off of it and when you can walk across the floor without stepping on leggos, getting a playmobil helmet stuck between your toes, or tripping on laundry.

Oh wait . . . what is this on the floor?  Eli's pencils, wallet and dirty shoes.  That isn't peaceful at all!  What is happening?  I thought we came to an understanding.

I wrongfully assumed that because he wants the house clean and peaceful he was going to be an active participant in ensuring this status is attained.  
I think the message he was really sending was "it is sure nice when mom picks up after us".


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