We spent the weekend painting the rental.
Yes I know, it should be the responsibility of the landlord to paint a house you are renting, but it was ugly and I'm living there for at least a year so I decided to paint.
It was exhausting.
We primed and then painted the entire first floor of the house.
Including the ceiling.
It was ambitious, we met our goal, and it looks really good!!
The previous owner was all about cruddy wall repair and bad paint jobs. I have to admit we could have done a better job if we had sanded down the areas where the previous paint had horribly ugly drips. But we didn't.
Maybe I'll go back someday and sand down the drips and repaint.
We thought we would paint the upstairs another time.
We still might but our muscles are going to need to forget how painful all that work was before we take on the other 1200 sqft.
We cleaned up our mess and the boys and I headed back to Olympia leaving Matt in Issaquah.
We spend a lot of time away from each other and little times away like this usually don't bother me, but last night I was so sad to leave Matt at the other house.
Today was his first day and the boys and I were not there when he came home to an empty (literally empty) house.
We talked a little about his day but he's not a great phone talker when he isn't in the mood. He sounds excited about the job and the people he works with. So excited for him!!
We also secured a renter for our house. What?
Yep. House went on the listing late Thursday night. These people went off of the pictures only, put in an application this morning, and I approved them all before 11am.
I meet them tomorrow when they come look at the house.
Super excited about this.
On paper they look perfect.
I'm hopeful that they are going to love our house and treat it nicely.