I couldn't even guess how many times our living room floor has been covered with military gear and a checklist.
Every single time Matt signs in to an installation he heads down to the local issuing facility and collects a trunk full of gear. He brings it home piles it somewhere until it drives me crazy and then finds a place for it in the garage or storage room until he actually needs it.
Then every time he signs out of an installation all that stuff gets dragged out, placed on the floor and sorted through for turn in.
For every field problem, school, tdy adventure, and deployment there has been a duffle bag, tuff box or suitcase to fill, piles of stuff in the living room and a list to keep track of what needs to go.
Tonight I came home from work to find the living room covered with gear ready to be packed up and turned in for the last time.
Retirement is creeping up faster than I'm emotionally ready for.
Every single time Matt signs in to an installation he heads down to the local issuing facility and collects a trunk full of gear. He brings it home piles it somewhere until it drives me crazy and then finds a place for it in the garage or storage room until he actually needs it.
Then every time he signs out of an installation all that stuff gets dragged out, placed on the floor and sorted through for turn in.
For every field problem, school, tdy adventure, and deployment there has been a duffle bag, tuff box or suitcase to fill, piles of stuff in the living room and a list to keep track of what needs to go.
Tonight I came home from work to find the living room covered with gear ready to be packed up and turned in for the last time.
Retirement is creeping up faster than I'm emotionally ready for.