Staycation Part 2

Thursday morning it was pouring rain. I was so glad I was continuously checking the weather forecast and planned an indoor activity for that day!
We drove 2 hours down to Portland to check out OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry).  By far, it was our least favorite activity of staycation.  OMSI had a ton of hands on activities for the kids but the information placards and instructions were pretty lame.  I had to really search for the descriptions of what exactly we were looking at and what we were supposed to learn.  There were 4 or 5 hands on science labs which also should have been really fun, but they were either poorly supplied or were lacking in instruction.  The only thing that saved the OMSI from being a total bust was our tour of a retried Navy Submarine.  Now that was fun!
After the museum we headed over to Waffle Window in the Hawthorne district of Portland to taste what they claim to be "Liege Waffles with a Portland twist". They nailed the waffle topping concept.  Mine was so incredibly delicious.  Pineapple panna cotta with mango puree and strawberries. YUM!  Gabe had a nuttella, banana and chocolate thing, and Eli had bananas and caramel.  The waffle itself resembled the Liege pearl sugar waffles but it was more of a resemblance than a match.

I had a feeling that by the time we got out of the house, down to Portland, through the museum and grab a bite to eat, I would be exhausted.  Sure, a cup of coffee could have got me home, but I found a cool "lodge" in Vancouver, WA that happen to have an indoor pool, and decided we needed to stay there. We  checked in, grabbed dinner, played in the pool for hours, went to bed, played in the pool for hours and then headed home Friday afternoon.

After a well deserved nap on Friday evening, I scooped the boys up for our last adventure for staycation.  Dinner and a movie.  I never take the kids to movies.  Matt does every once in a while but generally we are too cheap to do it!
After a mediocre Italian dinner we went to the theatre to watch The Croods, eat popcorn and drink soda.  The movie was really good.  I'm usually not very interested in kids movies but I actually liked this one. It was cute, funny, completely age appropriate and the boys loved it.

After the movie we went to Seattle to pick Matt up from the airport.
Staycation over.
Staycation success!


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