16 Years
I sat here for an hour trying to come up with some cute, catchy little list of all the addresses we have called home, places we've travelled together, months we've lived a part, cars we've purchased and a bunch of other stuff, but as my list was nearly compiled I looked it over, hoping to have created a picture of what our life has been like these past 16 years, and I realized I failed miserabley. It is possible that it was cute and catchy, but it most definitely didn't shine a light on our life together.
The places we've lived and travelled, the tears we've shed, the miles we have been a part and the joys of our children and family are all a part of what make our painting, but this life we have shared is so much more than any words on a paper or strokes of a brush can capture.
Although there have been trials, the laughter, tears of joy, and downright silly fun have far outweighed the tough times. There have been adventures, but the quiet moments between Matt and I leave longer lasting imprints on our lives. There have been high highs and low lows, and through it all I have never doubted that Matt loves me more than he loves anything else, and more than anyone else in the world could. I love him more than I thought possible, I treasure his role as a father to our boys, and I thank God daily for walking him into my life 20 years ago.
When I said "I do" 16 years ago I had no idea what I was agreeing too! So much more than I dreamed, so much more than I deserve. I thank God for blessing us with each other and blessing our marriage for the past 16 years.