I'm a Mac

The first computer I can remember using was my dad's Apple II. It was a little cube with a green screen and had a rainbow colored Apple logo. We graduated to the Apple 2C at home, while I used Apple 2E's in the computer lab at my elementary school, and we eventually upgraded to the Apple LC (I think) at home and school. As I was testing the waters of graphic design, I quickly learned that there wasn't another contender in the industry and all of our work was done on Apples.Then the Apple season came to an end. Matt and I finally saved up enough money to buy our own computer and it was a PC. What can I say? We were poor and we were buying our first computer around the time that Apple was tanking.
Then last summer our laptop battery died and it was going to cost $150 to replace it. Since the laptop was about 8 years old and weighed 30lbs, we decided to just buy a new one. We planned to spend about $500 to buy a new laptop . . . . Our new found love of the iphone, ipod touch, and ipod helped convince us that Apple technology is just smarter. . . so we joined the Mac family again with a macbook. So much for that $500 laptop.
Two days after Matt fell in love with his macbook, he decided that when we replaced our desktop, it would be with a Mac. I didn't comment. Our desktop is only a few years old, so we wouldn't be crossing that bridge for a while.
But, a few days ago Matt came home from work and said "I want to buy a new BWM this summer." I explained that the BMW he has is perfectly fine and we are NOT going to buy a new one this summer.
But, since we were talking about "wants" I said "I want a Mac." This is the point where he should have said "you have a desktop that works perfectly fine and we are not buying an iMac " but he didn't, instead he said "OK."
And today, he brought me home my very own really cool iMac. I still have no idea how to use it. Since I am fluent in M*&^oso&t and speak very little Mac, it is going to take some time to adjust, but learning the new language will be worth it. Yep, I'm a Mac.

An Apple a Day keeps the virus away!


Unknown said…
Boy what memories the Apple 2C and many learning games! You learned a lot with the math blaster and many more that I can't remember. I remember the plastic cover for the keys that was more trouble than help too
I got one of the keyboard protectors for my new Macbook. Glad I did when I look at how dusty it gets. It fits much better than the one we had for the apple 2C. They've come along way baby! Enjoy your Apples!
Congratulations! I have two people in my family trying to convince me of the purchase of a Mac laptop! I know they are great! Wish I would have gone that route instead of my dells!I'm sure that another bout with Dell Tech support is liable to make me cave!
Unknown said…
We are thinking of going that route our next go around . . . keep us posted on how you like it!

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