The Vote

I found a voting guide on-line last week that asked a number of questions and then analyzed my answers and is supposed to determine which candidate falls in line with the issues you believe in. Wouldn't you know, the response I got was something like "gee you are out of luck".
I have put some effort into sorting out what matters most to me, and searching for unbiased information regarding each candidate, but it is going to take me quite a bit more time to really gain a good understanding of where each candidate stands and what his/her history reveals about character and voting records, before I can confidently make my choice.
I have so many things on my "to-do list" right now, and so little time. Today the thought crossed my mind that I am just one vote, and maybe it really isn't worth all this effort just to check a box on election day. Then, the above picture flashed in my head.
This summer I spent a few hours looking through old family photos. I really enjoyed looking back at pictures taken of my parents and family long before I was around. I decided to scan some select pictures so that I would have a copy. This picture made it to my "scan" pile. Why? The people in the picture are my uncle Mayn, Grandma, and my dad. The picture itself isn't that great, but what caught my eye was the note my Grandma wrote about the picture. Here my dad, uncle, and Grandma are standing outside the courthouse in Chico, California following the ceremony that granted them U.S. citizenship. Among other things, it granted them the right to vote.
I have to vote. It is my duty and privilege to live in a country that allows its citizens to choose the country's leader. So that means more homework for me, and I'll take the advise of a friend to pray that God will guide me in the direction that He desires for this nation.
Take comfort in the fact the God still has his hand in the life and prosperity of this nation. Daniel 2 reminds us that God has the power to change times and seasons, set up kings and depose them, give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. I serve the same God as Daniel, therefore I have to believe that His hand is on this nation, this election, our current financial crisis, and power over the decline in morality that sweeps across this country.