This really happened

Today, I was at the gym on the treadmill going for a little run . . . OK I was jogging or maybe walking really fast . . . and I saw the funniest thing. A lady on a treadmill in front of me was going for a nice brisk walk, and then at some point she decided to step on the sides of the treadmill, the parts not moving, and then just chill there for awhile. Not to adjust her headphones, get a drink, tie a shoe or anything like that, she just stepped off. Meanwhile, the treadmill is still rolling along, doing all the work, and she was just standing there. I noticed she was flipping through a magazine, and later made a phone call.
I feel a little ripped off, all this time I thought you had to actually run/walk/jog on the treadmill. Does this lady know something I don't? Do you just have to stand on the treadmill while it is moving to burn calories?

This really happened today too. Recall from an early post that I dropped my glasses by the mailbox, didn't realize it until 5 hours later when I returned to find my glasses completely thrashed. The lenses were perfectly fine, I 'm not sure how that happened, but the frames were shattered, scratched, one arm fell off, and the nose piece was bent. I went into Hour Eyes where I bought my glasses and asked if I could just buy new frames and switch out the lenses. They said I could, however, they didn't have the same frames and would have to try and get them from somewhere else. Two weeks went by and so I went into Hour Eyes today, found my helpful lady and asked if she was able to get my frames. There was some confusion at first as to whether or not they came in, but after 10 minutes or so they were found and the glasses tech guys put my unscathed lenses into the new frames. Great, all was going well. Then, this happened, she let me have the frames for free. No kidding. They were $100+ frames, I didn't buy the insurance, they were broken due to my own admitted error, and she gave them to me. I love her.


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