Please keep your hands and feet inside until the ride comes to a full and complete stop

As seasons in our lives are about to change it is easy to slide one foot out the door. Surely I am not alone in this. The last few weeks of class, the last days on a job, the day after Thanksgiving -when although it is still technically fall you are digging out the decorations for Christmas. It is that state where you are still physically present in one reality but slowly and steadily heading toward another.
I am notorious for "checking out" of my current life upon receiving orders for our new duty station. Looking back at every place Matt and I have moved away from, I can distinctly recall myself severing ties much earlier than necessary. I think I just started looking ahead to what I was moving toward, not really realizing what I was missing in the place where I was.
Although this was my style in the past, I am declaring that it will not be the case this year. Psalm 118:24 proclaims "THIS is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". The word "made" is translated as "sanctified as a season never to be forgotten". I find such beauty in that definition. This day, this time, this year that I have left in Northern Virginia is sanctified as a season never to be forgotten! God has blessed us tremendously here and I am looking forward to what else He has planned for us in this season of our life.
My hands and feet are securely planted here and will remain here until the time comes to leave - but that is sad and I don't want to talk about that anymore.
Rejoice in the day God has sanctified for you!


Unknown said…
Your words encouraged me tonight. God has blessed you in the ability to share your stories and your heart to bless and encourage others. I thank God for you.
mrscotis said…
Reading this was like you writing about me. I am so encouraged by the words and verse you have written and will not forget to enjoy each day that God has given me to its fullest. Thank you.
This is such a good thought! Thank you so much for sharing it! I too am guilty of "checking out" early. What a great reminder your post is to me as we approach another move also! :)

How wonderful that your last few months in VA will be through the beautiful fall! Savor it for me :).
Unknown said…
I am going to hold you accountable to this promise . . . even though I have already seen signs of you "checking out" on me!

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