to the tune of the mickey mouse theme song. . . .

so now its time to say goodbye to our friends and family . . .
Wow. It has been an amazing 7 weeks. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to spend this summer with my family out here on the west coast. It was a summer filled with laughter, fun, and memories to last forever. I can't believe we packed everything we did this summer in just 7 weeks.
The bags are packed and waiting in the hall to be loaded into the car in the morning, we said our tearful "goodbyes", and will make our way back to VA in the next 24 hours.
There are no other words but "what an amazing summer"!


Unknown said…
We could spend time being sad over your leaving or we could spend time feeling extremely blessed for all we were able to share together. We are truly blessed!! Jet skiing, bocce ball, Wii, 5 pin bowling, fish and chips, 8 person van with 8 people and their luggage for 856.06 miles, Swimming, party planning, unplanned longer than expected hiking, reading and napping in a lounge chair by the pool, Celebrating retirement, celebrating birthdays, Sky High bouncing, shopping, more swimming, swimming lessons, Sunsplash, Seussical the Musical, Decorating, Painting, more shopping, photo shoots, cold stone, more swimming, Dinners, Wii, more Wii, buying a Wii =),reunions, Blokus, Chicken and dumplings, anticipating new adventures, worshiping together, sleepovers, baseball games, auditions, Pizza, more pizza, impressive school shopping, cameras flying, so much laughing, so much joy, so many hugs and for all of this we are so very blessed. Our treasures are the memories of this amazing summer shared with you. Thank you
Unknown said…
To be able to have our whole family together and watch then having fun and getting along and doing life, how much happier could a parent be. God has blessed us and we can't thank Him enough. Matt and Riss thank-you so much for all the joy you brought to us this summer.
Love you guys

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