New Blog
I'd like to direct your attention to my new blog Geschichtenerzahlin! The blog is dedicated to all things related to our upcoming move to Germany. I'll be posting information that I find out regarding where we will be living, travel destinations, and the ever-so-important availability dates for staying at the Hernandez Hostel!
I plan to post a few times a month or as I find new information. Don't count on daily postings - it probably isn't going to happen. The blog will serve as a source of information for you, family members and friends, and be a great way for me to do something constructive with the information I come across. You can see when the blog was updated last under my blogroll.
I'll continue to post my daily musings on this blog and keep our shutterfly photo site updated. You can follow Our Latest Photos link to the shutterfly site and use the password "ourphotos".
genießen = enjoy!
I plan to post a few times a month or as I find new information. Don't count on daily postings - it probably isn't going to happen. The blog will serve as a source of information for you, family members and friends, and be a great way for me to do something constructive with the information I come across. You can see when the blog was updated last under my blogroll.
I'll continue to post my daily musings on this blog and keep our shutterfly photo site updated. You can follow Our Latest Photos link to the shutterfly site and use the password "ourphotos".
genießen = enjoy!