I'm Tired

This week started off with me heading to the gym bright and early Monday morning.
I used to get off work at 3pm and workout for an hour before heading home.  In January my hours changed and instead of working my very comfortable 8:30-3, I now trudge through a whole entire extra hour .  Something about that extra hour of work and not getting home until 5pm if I go to the gym made working out in the afternoon intolerable.  Around the same time my hours changed Eli needed to start going to school early to get some extra math help.  Since I have to drive past the gym to take him to school early in the morning it made sense for me to drop him off, work out, and then go to work.
I thought I would hate getting up early and working out but I have come to love it.  Sure, getting up early is not fun, but I feel so accomplished when I am able to knock out some cardio before heading off to work.  For the most part, adding earlier mornings to my days hasn't been a problem.  But that all changed this week.
This is a particularly busy week for baseball.  Eli had a double header on Monday, baseball banquet on Tuesday, a game on Wednesday, one game Friday, one Saturday and two Sunday.  Thankfully, God had mercy on me and the two on Sunday were just cancelled.
I don't know what tipped me over the edge but last night I came home from the game around 9pm and lost my ever lovin mind.  I left at 6:30 yesterday morning and other than coming home for 15 minutes to pick up Eli and use the toilet, I was gone until 9pm last night.  I was simply spent.  Someone asked me for something, someone grumbled that I had asked him for help unloading the car and next thing you know - I cracked.
When Matt and I sat down to pray together I simply said 'I'm tired".
I can't recall a time that I felt so depleted as I do this week.  I know I have - after all I had two kids under 3 years old and was geographically separated from Matt.  Surely, I was exhausted.  But in this moment of driving, and watching, and working, and cooking, and folding, and sweeping I am simply tired and feeling a little loss of hope that I'll be refreshed again!
Thankfully, I got a really good night's rest last night and I told Eli that I wasn't going to take him to school early for math help and I was skipping the gym.

There I lay at 6:45am still asleep....until Matt shook me and said "hey what time are you getting up?"
"Well, I guess now."

If I ever plot a revolt against early morning responsibilities again, I'll make sure I make that announcement to everyone in the house so that nobody feels like they need to get me up earlier than my alarm.


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