The Better Plan

I have a relatively new iPhone. This phone was the first phone in a very long time  that was purchased for me brand spankin new. Almost all of the phones I have ever used have been Matt's hand-me-downs. So receiving this phone was a big deal. I kept it super clean and shiny, protected it like a precious newborn baby, until last summer when I was at the lake in North Carolina and my hydroflask's lid popped open and baptized my phone.
The following 24 hours were touch and go.
Miraculously, after a running through a series of ailments, the phone was fully functional two days after the incident.
Everything was going well with the phone until I updated to a newer operation system and the battery decided it only wanted to function though 50%.
I turned into a wall-hugger. Always plugged in.

Lucky for me Apple just issued a recall on the battery for my phone.
I took it in, hopeful that they would replace the battery for free and life would return to normal.

Unfortunately, upon initial inspection they discovered my phone "may" have had water damage. The tech advised me that if they opened the phone and found damage in the guts of it then they wouldn't be able to change the battery. I would either take my phone back as it is or pay for a new one.

I had to wait two hours to get the results.
I prayed. Yes I prayed for my phone.
I prayed that God would hide the water damage or dry it up so that the would replace the battery for free.
Although, I knew the water incident probably shortened the life of my phone, I didn't want to buy a new one since it was still working.
Upon my arrival back at the store I was notified that yes instead my phone must have endured water damage at some point. The very hip and kind 12 year old tech guru asked if I wanted to take my old phone back or buy a new one.
Frazzled and frustrated I finally agreed to pay for a new phone.
I guess God isn't handing out two miracles for this phone.

As the tech genius began the transaction to replace my phone, she looked confused. I sat there wondering how she can take apart a phone but not figure out how to run my credit card.
Then she looked up at me completely confused and said "well this is your lucky day, for some reason the system is giving you a new phone for free".

I snatched that new phone and ran out the door like I stole it!

On the drive home I thought to myself, isn't that just like me.....
My goal was to have a fully functional phone at no cost to me.
I wanted to settle for a water-logged phone with a new battery.
The better plan was a whole new phone for free.

Maybe you are frustrated because the help you think you need isn't coming, but just hang on because God's plan might just be better than you imagined.


Rachael said…
Sounds like that miracle credit card you had years ago! Never understood why you gave that up!

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