I just completed the last full week at the school I've been working at since the end of October.  I thought I would be relieved when the position ended, perhaps excited to have the chance to be picky again about when I work and when I stay home, meet up with friends, or binge watch trashy shows.  However, it turns out I am incredibly sad.  Over the past three months I have learned so much about the 60 students I work with each day and have grown to love them and the teacher I work with.
To make matters worse, they share the same sentiment toward me.  The teacher I work for actually tried to work something out so that I could continue to work with her instead of the person I've been filling in for.  She and I are a great team, we balance each other well and I keep her on track because she's a bit scattered at times.  I've tried to be encouraging to her about the return of her regular assistant and suggest that the person's focus will be different now that she has moved through the difficult circumstances she was in earlier in the year.  I don't think she's buying what I'm selling.
We've kept my final date quiet, as it really isn't relevant to the students until the time comes for me to leave, however, yesterday in passing a few of the students learned that my last day would be Tuesday.  Each of the students that heard I was leaving expressed sweet messages of sadness to me. A few said they would miss me, but the rest were more focussed on the question of why I had to leave.  Somewhere along the line these silly kids forgot that I was only there temporarily.  I think we all forgot that this was a temporary situation.  We let ourselves get attached and ignored the fact that our time together was limited.
I don't know if I was placed in this position to help open the door for a job in the future, to teach me some lessons along this journey, or if it was simply for me to have a positive impact on the lives that I touched in the the time that I was there.  Whatever it may be, Tuesday will be a tough one for me.


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