Tonight on our way to church the boys engaged in an epic battle. There was name calling, face making, tongue sticking outing, and crossing over the imaginary seat line. It was pure crazy. At one point I gave up telling them to stop fighting and I broke out in a full-on evangelical prayer. I asked God to change their hearts and heal the wounds that were causing the argument.
As I was at a stop light praying the Holy Spirit to bring on down some fire, G was in the back seat telling me to stop praying for him and Eli was acting out my prayer in ridiculous gestures.
I threw them out of the car at church and yelled "I'm not coming back for you until you find Jesus".
Ok so I I didn't actually do that, but I wanted to.
I sent Eli in to church and had a long talk with Gabe. I'm pretty sure his brain was filled with words of hate and frustration and he didn't hear a word I said even though he was looking straight at me.
I came back to get them, despite my internal threat to leave them there forever.
I received a text from Gabe that said "mom could you please text me when you get here? Thanks"
What?? This from the same kid who threw a pair of gloves at me last night and nailed me in the face. A please and thank you? I'll take it.
When he arrived at the car he was skipping and had a huge smile on his face.
Matt said "what's up with that attitude change?"
He had tears rolling down his face when we dropped him off.
I suggested he was so perky because he probably ate a dozen cookies.
He got in the car and Matt asked how many cookies he ate. He said "2".
Hmm that seams reasonable.
Then he hit us with the bombshell.
He said "I'm soooo excited. I know what I want to spend my Christmas and allowance money on".
Matt and I looked at each other.
He said he wanted to pay for his friend to go to winter camp.
Sometimes God grabs hold of you and turns your mourning into dancing.
He left the car frustrated with his brother, and returned excited at the thought of spending his own money to pay for a friend to go to camp.
I should have joined him in church tonight because I could use a dose of whatever they were teaching!
As I was at a stop light praying the Holy Spirit to bring on down some fire, G was in the back seat telling me to stop praying for him and Eli was acting out my prayer in ridiculous gestures.
I threw them out of the car at church and yelled "I'm not coming back for you until you find Jesus".
Ok so I I didn't actually do that, but I wanted to.
I sent Eli in to church and had a long talk with Gabe. I'm pretty sure his brain was filled with words of hate and frustration and he didn't hear a word I said even though he was looking straight at me.
I came back to get them, despite my internal threat to leave them there forever.
I received a text from Gabe that said "mom could you please text me when you get here? Thanks"
What?? This from the same kid who threw a pair of gloves at me last night and nailed me in the face. A please and thank you? I'll take it.
When he arrived at the car he was skipping and had a huge smile on his face.
Matt said "what's up with that attitude change?"
He had tears rolling down his face when we dropped him off.
I suggested he was so perky because he probably ate a dozen cookies.
He got in the car and Matt asked how many cookies he ate. He said "2".
Hmm that seams reasonable.
Then he hit us with the bombshell.
He said "I'm soooo excited. I know what I want to spend my Christmas and allowance money on".
Matt and I looked at each other.
He said he wanted to pay for his friend to go to winter camp.
Sometimes God grabs hold of you and turns your mourning into dancing.
He left the car frustrated with his brother, and returned excited at the thought of spending his own money to pay for a friend to go to camp.
I should have joined him in church tonight because I could use a dose of whatever they were teaching!