I was reading a blurb in a travel magazine the other day and came across these words
"getting lost is often a precursor to uncovering great things"

The words were so sweet to my soul.

I think I've read something similar before.
Worded differently, it is probably hand-painted on some wood sign and sold on Easy for $30.
I know I've also written something about it before as well, probably often because I get lost a lot.

Those who know me, know that I love to travel.  I love to find new places and experience new things.  Sometimes those places are right in my area code, other times they are far more amazing places and require a passport.

As I read those words about getting lost suddenly a swath of memories rushed over me.  I remembered the many, many times that I have been lost while exploring a new city.  Turns out the times that I was lost, and the times that things didn't work out just as I planned are often the times that I remember most fondly.  I learned things in those moments I didn't expect, I was challenged and overcame obstacles that I didn't plan to encounter, I saw things I would have never seen if I had never ventured off course.

After the memories of that time in Spain and near disaster in Switzerland faded to gray, I thought about a deeper, less literal meaning to the words.

How often have I discovered great things when I "got lost" or found myself on a different path in my life?  Even now there are areas where I feel completely lost.  I need to remind myself that perhaps in this season of roaming around lost I might just uncover some great things.


Rachael said…
Was thinking of you when I heard a quote from an IF Gathering speaker Jill Briscoe: "You go where you're sent, and you stay where you're put and you give what you've got." You have always always done this so incredibly well and graciously. I have no doubt you will settle into this new season/spot as well. Praying you will see the sent.

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