Good News Bad News
The Storage Room
Good News: I moved all of our totes and boxes to another storage area and converted our storage room into guest quarters/playroom. My sister and brother-in-law will be the first guests to try out the room and the boys are really looking forward to using their noisy indoor play area when the room isn't being used for guests.
Bad News: My request for a permanent additional storage area was declined. I've jumped through hoops, have remnants of red tape all over me and agreed to pay to have locks changed out for the additional room - and still I was denied use of one of the 4 empty storage rooms in our building. So, while the storage area that houses our totes and boxes right now is a decent temporary fix, if more people move into this stairwell we'll have to move it back into our storage area and the situation isn't exactly ideal. Thankfully, our only other neighbors in this stairwell are fabulous and don't mind our stuff being where it is.
Free Trainer
Good News: I went to the gym yesterday to take a cardio circuit training class. The class is about 10 people strong and is led by a personal trainer. The workout is FREE and the class time is early enough in the morning that Matt should be able to watch the boys while I go. The workout was so hard. And I have done pilates, spin, yoga, body pump, free weights and machines. This one was hard! And that is a good thing.
Bad News: my body is only operating at about 50% today because I am so sore from that great workout.
Good News: all things point to Mika and Tom moving to Mannheim! The timing is as close to perfect as possible for them. They should have about 6 months to get their house sold and get everything in order to move here. This will be a great change of pace for them and fabulous for us to be together again. Yeah!
Bad News: Well, bad news for us - they won't be here until May. It seems so far away.
Good News: two of my friends and I went shopping yesterday at this store that sells stuff acquired through estate sales. I bought a super fabulous bookshelf type thing for €70 (about $100).
Bad News: I feel the need to go back and shop there for all my furniture needs.
Shrum Visit
Good News: my sister and family are coming to visit in just a few days. We are going to Rome, Paris, and fun places around here.
Bad News: my sister and family are coming to visit in just a few days and we are going to Rome, Paris, and fun places around here . . . and I'm not ready!! So much to do, clean house, do laundry, grocery shop, pack for Rome, get a small fortune in euros for Rome ....
Good News: We had our family pictures taken in Heidelberg last week. They turned out really great. We are so happy with them.
Bad News: I have to pick which ones I want and order them - soon because in just a few days I'll be busy (see Visit above).