So Busy

On Tuesday, November 17th my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces arrived in Frankfurt at 9:20am. I arrived at 10:00am, late as usual, to pick them up. Their plane was due in at 9:45 and it should take 45 minutes to get to the airport so I left at 8:45 - plenty of time. HOWEVER, I was stuck in traffic forever and then got lost/stuck in the parking garage for 15 minutes. So, I was late.
We were supposed to meet at the "Meeting Point". Easy enough? I went to the meeting point but apparently they were hiding behind their luggage because I didn't see them. After roaming for awhile and contemplating getting a coffee, I went back to the meeting point and found them behind a tower of purple luggage. Oops.
To make matters worse for tired travelers, I couldn't figure out how to get us from the terminal to the confusing parking garage, so I dumped them at the curb, in the rain, and went solo to find the van. Sometime around 11 we were actually in the van on our way home. Nice way to kick off a vacation.
Bright and early the next morning . . . who am I kidding it wasn't bright - the sun was still snuggled sweetly somewhere over East Asia when we got up at 3:30am to leave for (drumroll please) ROME, Italy. We spent three very full days in Rome and returned to Frankfurt around midnight Saturday morning. After catching some much needed zzzz's and eating a home cooked breakfast we headed down to Rothenburg to "ooh" and "aah" over its charming little cuteness. We also enjoyed the tastiest pastry thing ever, a schneeball. Yum. The cappuccino flavored one was so insanely delicious. Sunday we went to church and opted for a lazy afternoon and then today we went to Heidelberg to walk around, do some shopping, and enjoy the charm of this modern yet adorable old town.
And here I am now, at 11:30pm yawning and resisting the urge to face-plant into the keyboard. I've been a little busy.
Thursday morning, we leave for Paris. No Thanksgiving bird and stuffing for us! Instead we plan to have some French cuisine and then take in the city from the heights of the Eiffel Tower.
I better get to bed!


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