This is the day.

This day was busy.
This is the day that Gabriel had his class picnic. Tomorrow is his last day of school, so today the kids got to invite their family to school and have a picnic lunch.
This is also the day it rained, so the picnic was inside. Even though we had boiled hot dogs instead of BBQ, and we sat on the fellowship hall floor on our blankets instead of the grass, it was still Gabe's favorite part of the day.
This is the day that my neighbor friend moved out of her house. In my Was ist los? post, I shared a little about how sad I was that she was moving. I can't imagine living here without her. She'll actually be here for a few more days but this is the day the moving truck came. I only have a few more days of walking over there for movie night, dropping off a coffee, and playing in the alley.
This is the day, I gave her back my key. No more stealing stuff from her house (like a fully lit Christmas tree) while she is on vacation. No more sneaking in the house to put food in her fridge when she has a hard week ahead. No more.
This is the day that my friends found out their job prospects in Northern VA are crumbling away and the reality of an out of state move is hitting them.
This is the day that another friend was crushed by a family member. Why are some people so mean?
This is the day that we didn't get orders . . . again.
This is the day I lined 6 kids up on the brick planter out back and gave them all Popsicles, then brought them in to change their clothes because they were a disaster.
This is the day my niece turned 8!
This is the day that friends gathered and shared laughter and tears.
This, is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad.


Suzann said…
i love your blog
You have the best way of throwing an inspiring spin on everything that comes your way... thanks for the reminder :) and praying for you!
mrscotis said…
I needed to read this blog today. Thank you.
Unknown said…
i have finally had a moment to catch myself up on your insights . . . and now I am crying.

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