Breaking my Heart

I post about Gabriel a lot because he and I tend to have the most entertaining and deep thinking conversations. Today, he asked where God lived, yesterday he told me he threw up because he held his poop in too long, and the day before that we discussed how fish sleep. I truly enjoy most of my conversations with Gabe, however, lately many of his topics have turned from fun and thoughtful to sad and depressing. Over the past few weeks, many of his conversations have been about Germany.
It started easy enough: "Can I bring some of my toys to Germany?" I explained that we can bring all of our toys and all of our furniture. He was satisfied with the answer and continued playing. The next day, he asked if he could pick out some movies to bring to Germany. I said "sure" and he quickly responded "OK, I'll go get them". Luckily, I caught him before he started packing. He has worried about not being able to speak German, if we will move before he goes on his school field trip, and if Germany will have a beach. I keep telling him that our move is far away and he shouldn't worry about any of this yet, but it seems that it is weighing heavily on his mind.
These questions are all pretty easy to answer, but it is the talk about what we are leaving behind that breaks my heart. As we sat down for lunch a few days ago, Gabe told me that he was going to miss his friends from church and wanted to know if he would have a chance to go back to church and say "goodbye". Today as we walked over to Carter's house he asked if he would get to say "goodbye" to him and later he asked me to take pictures of our house so that he can remember it when we are gone.
I am worried about how Gabriel will adjust to saying goodbye and starting a new life in Germany. My heart was already breaking about my own upcoming goodbyes, and now as I see Gabe's worry and sadness I feel so bad about how his little world is about to change.
Please pray for our boys!


Christy said…
That IS hard, especially once the kids are old enough to feel connected where they are. And also when we're dealing with our own emotions!

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