This is just wrong

Today in my junk mail I received an advertisement for ColorTyme. I was waiting in the pick-up line at Eli's school and had some time on my hands, so I looked through it. What I found was shocking and downright wrong.
A 32" LG LCD TV for $23.99 a week. In fine print below the blaring $23.99, you can read that the total of all payments is $2183.09. Now, I don't know too much about LCD TV's but I do know that we just picked up a 52" for just over half that. The Wii is only $23.99 a week for a grand total of $1247.48 - which I know you can get at Walmart for about a thousand bucks less. And I cannot leave out the Sony Blu Ray Disc player that is $26.99 a week or $1403.48. Matt has been doing research on Blu Ray players and a Sony is probably going for $400.
The highlight of the ad is the blurb at the bottom of the page that says "Avoid credit card debt with our flexible payment options". Seriously? I can't believe creditors and stores can get away with this horrible scheme. Sadly, I can't believe people actually buy into it.


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