
This month Matt and I committed to reading a chapter of Acts a day. I don't think I have ever read a chapter of the bible a day before. Not that it is such a huge accomplishment, but the bible studies I tend to do have you flipping around the bible reading a few verses here and there.
I have learned a quite a few things during this time of studying Acts. The thing that stands out the most is that the book reads like any other good story. Some nights as we reached the end of the chapter we were so into the story we wanted to continue reading. I also started feeling for the characters and hoping the best for them, even when I knew the outcome. As Paul is dragged into custody, my heart breaks a little and I want so badly for the hero of the story to rush in and save him. I've never given a book of the bible enough time before to really touch me like a good story does.
The next thing I learned was how important it is to know your faith and to be able to support it with scripture. Time and again Paul stood before crowds of people and without a moment of hesitation recited the doctrine that he believes. Not only did he know what he believed and was prepared to share it in a clear and concise manner, but he could also back it up with scripture. His words and his beliefs gain power when he recites the words of the prophets and of Jesus.
Finally, as Matt and I finish the last few chapters of Acts I am touched by a few lines in a speech that Paul gives to King Agrippa.
Then King Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?"
Paul replied, "Short time or long - I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains." Acts 26:28-29
I am not standing in a court giving my testimony or sharing my faith, but I am interacting with people every day. I encounter people who may respond to the story of my faith in Christ. I may only have a few minutes or a few years but short time or long I pray that those who know me will see my faith in Christ and will become even more than I will ever be.


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