Discussions with Gabriel

This conversation took place this morning as I was tying Gabriel's shoes.

Gabe: John McCain, John MaaaaaacCain, John . . . Oh! Brockobama won?
Me: Yes. Barack Obama won. He will be our new President in January.
Gabe: Brockobama will be the President?
Me: Yes.
Gabe: Not Curious George?
Me: No, not Curious George.

Maybe it is the rain, my weird sense of humor, or just the mood I am in, but every time I replay this little discussion in my head I laugh out loud!


Maureen said…
Too cute. We have so many of those conversations around here. Too often, I have to tell William he's just not making any sense. His favorite thing lately is to make up words if he doesn't know what something is called. Baffling.
This is great-- I giggled each time I thought about it after I read it! I love our kids' ability to catch us completely off-guard, right when we thought we knew what they were going to say... :)

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