The day after we arrived in California the mercury hit 100 and stayed in the triple digits for the entire week. In addition to the blistering heat, the skies were filled with smoke from nearby fires making play time outside dangerous to our health. The fenced-in yard with the wading pool just on the other side of the window was so tempting for the boys and they just didn't understand why they couldn't go outside to play. By the end of the week the skies were clearer and the boys disappeared into their world of splashing, swimming, and pouring water on each other in the pool. We also made it out to a local water park and pool and played and had a picnic at a neighborhood park.
It is hard to believe that we have already been in California for a week. Time is flying by so fast!
Coming up next, the boys start swim lessons and we will finish the preparations for my dad's retirement party next Sunday.