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My Name is Clarissa and I have never eaten a Chicken Sandwich . . .
It is true. Although my friends claim that I merely had a lapse in memory, I can honestly say I have never eaten a chicken sandwich. During dinner the other night, the subject came up that I haven't eaten at Chick Fil A. Apparently that was shocking - but not nearly as shocking as the fact that I haven't had a chicken sandwich. Our friend Wesley tried to explain to me in every possible way what a chicken sandwich was just to make sure I knew what I was talking about. "A chicken breast between two pieces of bread?" "Fried chicken on a bun?" "From McDonalds?" "At a friend's house?" I seriously felt like Sam I am. I haven't eaten a chicken sandwich in a boat, not with a goat, not in the rain or on a train, I haven't eaten one!
Peer pressure worked. I feel somewhat less of a person without sharing this great American meal. My plan is to try out a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich sometime this week. I'll let you know how it goes.