I know the answer!!
For the past four years I worked at a school that was overwhelmingly liberal and I would even say anti-Christian. There were a few students who passed through the halls that publicly professed their faith but most of those students didn't last more than a year or two. After a few years, I had one staff member join the team who was believer, but aside from her I was the sole Christian in the staff room. Conversations were almost always bent against Christianity both among students and staff.
Last week I was subbing at a school in North Charlotte and was shocked to overhear a conversation between students on faith. A few students were involved and the question was how do you know if you go to heaven or not? Which religion is right? One student adamantly declared he was going to hell. The other two were questioning what rules you can break and still get in and what you have to do for that golden ticket. Finally, one student said "how do you know what you need to do to get to heaven?"
With everything in my being I was shouting out "believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived on this earth, died on a cross for our sins and rose again on the third day"! This was the first time in 9 years of working at public schools where a student was actually seeking answers to this question - and there I sat, frozen, not sure if I was permitted to weigh in on this conversation or not.
I didn't say a word.
I waited.
If they ask me what I believe I can tell them.
They didn't ask.
And so I know their names, I know their faces and I can pray that someone will come along and answer this question for them.
And I am thankful, that in this dark and stormy world there are young city kids wondering about eternity.