One Week

In a matter of one week.  We made the leap from making sure everyone washed their hands really well to completely social distancing on a massive scale.
Like many places around the country, we are being asked to stay home from school, take online classes, work from home and only leave the house to take care of necessary errands such as grocery shopping or picking up take-out from a local restaurant.  
As a family, we have done pretty well but we definitely need to step up our quarantine game.  In this past week G finished off his driver's ed instruction in a classroom of 20 or so people and Eli stayed the night at a friend's house.  In hindsight, we probably should have canceled those activities.  Moving forward, we will be limiting all social interactions to online and on the phone.  Eli is still working, so he gets to leave the house a few days a week, and as we come up with grocery needs I will make the trek to the market.  We are hoping to support our local restaurants as long as possible by getting take-out at least once a week.  You know, supporting the economy!
 I guess this is one of those times in life where I am actually really glad my kids play video games online with their friends.  The days will go by quicker and connections will remain when those lines of communication can stay open.
I have been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and skipping on out of the house to log some miles with my dog.  Really thankful I have a dog to walk.  I have also decided to brush up on my Spanish, finally paint the mantle, read a few books, put together one or two puzzles, complete a four-week ab challenge, keep the house clean and keep walking the dog a few miles every day.
These are crazy times, but today, for a few moments I forgot that we were locked down.  For hours I didn't check my phone, watch the news or connect with anything other than a puzzle.  And I must say those were some peaceful moments.
The boys are reigniting some of their old passions too. Nothing kills a few hours like a new lego set.


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