Toilet Seat Drama.

My boys are the messiest urinators in the history of all time.
It is disgusting.
I'm not sure where we went wrong.
Is it biological?  Perhaps the parts are dysfunctional?
Is it poor education?  Did the person with the same functioning equipment not properly teach the others how to use it effectively?
Perhaps it is simply laziness.  Is it too much trouble to aim?  Or is it just too much trouble to clean up when things take a wrong turn?

They rarely ever pee on the seat, it is usually a direct hit on the screws and screw caps that hold the seat on to the toilet.  And then what happens next is quite disturbing.  It drips.
I'm sorry, I know it is so nasty but it is true.
It drips down the screw and onto the base of the toilet.
It stinks.
It is wretchedly nasty.
And it is most definitely a hill that I'm ready to die on.

I have nagged, badgered, yelled and threw giant tantrums for the past few years regarding the nastiness of the toilet.  And nothing has helped.
I gave up on the kids aiming properly and decided that I would instead focus on the cleanup.  No success there either.

So today I finally gave in.
I am not going to worry about pee on the screws anymore.
I am not cleaning it up.

Am I leaving it there for all to see and smell?
I took away the seat.

The boys now have a perfectly clean toilet minus the seat.

Will they still miss?  Probably.
However, the hard part to clean, the place where the seat connects to the toilet, is gone.
Easy cleanup.

I seriously hope one of them falls into the toilet next time they sit down to take a dump.


Anonymous said…
Brilliant. How's it going. There really should be a follow up post to this : ) I remember you complaining about this all the way back at Belmont Bay!

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