Light at the End of the Tunnel?
After a full 15 days of sickness...I dare say I may be on the mend. This goes down as the worse cold I have ever had in my life. I have consumed more concoctions for decongestant and cough suppressant than I thought possible. Tea, honey, honey in tea, peppermint, peppermint tea, peppermint tea with honey, cough drops, steamy showers, sleeping upright, sleeping on my back, on my stomach, not sleeping, liquid gels, liquid, pills and even meltaway kiddie meds. I tried it all and in one way or another they all failed. I have suffered every possible ailment related to a cold: tightness in my chest, runny nose, stuffy nose, stuffy head, cough, sore throat, head ache, body ache and general crappiness. At one point last week I had such a ridiculous coughing spell that I actually though I might die of coughing.
Horrible horrible last two weeks. Although I still have a cough, runny nose, stuffy nose and headache, I am a highly functioning sick person now and that is a little encouraging.