Once a year AWANA clubs from our little corner of Germany convene on common ground to take part in an AWANA Quiz, Sparkarama, and AWANA Games. The quiz is a three part challenge for teams to answer questions from the material they have been studying. Sparkarama and Games are basically little AWANA olympics. This year both of the boys wanted to participate in the games and some of my Trek kids wanted to compete in the quiz- so that meant we would be spending the entire day in Kaiserslautern for the big event.
The Trek kids have been practicing their use of the buzzers, going over verses and reviewing key definitions and lessons for the past two weeks in preparation for this big event.
Everyone arrived at the church this morning at 9am to put all this work to the test. As the crowd gathered in the church sanctuary my four Trek girls were at the ready with their little buzzer and I sat on the edge of my seat nervous for what was about to take place.
The first question came and one of our girls buzzed in. She missed one word in the scripture making her answer incorrect. Then the next 3 questions came and the girls nailed them all. Question 4 was a question about a lesson on Josiah. No answers. What? I taught that lesson on Josiah! No worries. The next few questions came and the girls got them right as well. Then came a question from our lesson on Mary. MY LESSON on Mary. No answers. One more question came about the three dudes in the fiery furnace (another one of my lessons) and again the girls had no answer. Fail.
The girls were awesome at recalling references, definitions, and quoting scripture but when it came to answering questions about the lessons we taught they stumbled. I sat in the audience feeling like a failure. The scriptures are great, and I'm so glad that they were able to recall them, but the lessons are what explain how to use the scriptures in their lives!
As we reviewed their performance when the competition was over, one of the girls assured me that it wasn't my poor teaching that caused them not to know the answers about the lessons, they were just bad questions! Awesome! See why I love these kids?
The girls dominated the competition. Not only did they take first place, they nearly doubled the second place team's score.
Even though they didn't recall the details of a few Bible stories during the quiz, my prayer is that these young ladies will continue to build on their foundation of faith and recall the things that matter when they matter most.


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