Together Again
Today my knight in shining armor arrived on his sturdy horse with the crown jewels and laid them at my feet. Or perhaps it was Matt in his camouflage ACU's pulling up in the smelly diesel with my iMac and suggesting that I "quick vacuum off the desk so I can set this thing down". Same same.
I have been without my computer for an entire week, two if you count the time I was in the States. And I have missed it dearly!
I missed this giant screen and my comfy desk chair and all my bookmarks saved in a very organized manner. I missed all the saved tidbits of info I keep in my email files and my calendar. I also was hurting for my files of Kindle books I have saved on my hard drive. Sure enough I finished book 2 in a series and couldn't dive in to book 3 because it was kidnapped with my computer.
All is well in the world now. I have my computer, I can update calendars, upload pictures, access files and blog.