The Most Expensive Word In the English Language
Well, at least it is the most expensive word in my house. This word will cost the person who utters it 25 cents. Fines tend to be running at a 50 cent per day average. What is this word?
Before you bash me for stifling my children's inquisitive minds by charging them to ask "why?", hear me out.
"Why do we have to eat fish for dinner?"
Free of charge.
The answer by the way is because fish is quick and healthy.
"Why I was waiting for you to finish getting ready I read two chapters in my book".
25 Cents.
Every single time Eli utters the word "why" instead of "while" I would correct him and explain the difference between the words. Every. Single. Time.
Then one day I had enough. He is 9. He is in 4th grade. He should darn well know the difference between the very important questioning word "why" and the boring conjunction "while". So I started charging him 25 cents every time he says "why". It drives me crazy. While it hasn't stopped him from misusing the word "why" yet, there is still hope or at least I'll gather enough money to buy Guiseppi's Gelato for the entire summer.