
Today I went to the PX to pick up a few birthday cards. If you have ever been card shopping with me, you know that I am easily amused by greeting cards. I have often laughed out loud while reading Hallmark's best. However, today there was no laughter, no giggles, not even a smile. Why do the people who write greeting cards feel the need to rhyme? If I called you up to wish you a happy birthday I seriously don't think I would rhyme, actually I know I wouldn't rhyme. And just because I'm getting you a card and you are my friend, that doesn't mean we have been friends for a long time or we are such good friends that I can't think of anything else but you on your birthday. Some people deserve a birthday card but quite frankly they don't light up the world with their inner beauty and charm. Sometimes, I just need a darn card that says "Happy Birthday." I managed to find one of four cards that I needed, but I'm not proud that the card mentions dog poopy.


Linda Pulling said…
I know the feeling! Sometimes it is easier just to call!!

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