Life is a Musical

Matt and I spare ourselves and our friends and family embarrassment by not taking our dancing/singing show on the road, or anywhere outside the walls of our house, but when we are at home there is a good chance we will break out into song and bust some moves on the dance floor.
Musicals are infectious. All it takes is someone saying one line of a song and look out, we've got karaoke. Last night, somehow we got started with the first song from Aida, and an hour later we were finishing with the last act of the musical. It just happens. We are transported back to the theatre when we first watched the show. The actions play in our head as if we were there again. Somehow we go on about our business, paying bills, playing video games, cooking dinner and keep the show going on in our head. The power of the music paired with a great story is just compelling.
We are really in it for the singing. Dancing is not really our strong point, but when you are in your own little musical, let's face it some dancing is required. Not that we are that fabulous in the vocal department, but our dancing is bad. Really bad.
A few nights ago we were working out some moves and Matt made me laugh so hard I cried. Surprisingly, I wasn't laughing at his moves, but what he said about mine.
What you are about to read is the total truth. I can't even try to make this stuff up.
So, I switched out my flannel jammies for my "dancin' pants", as Matt called them, and I was doing a little number on the dance floor when Matt looked at me and quite seriously asked "how do you not fart when you do that?"
I laughed so hard tears were flowing from my eyes. He was completely serious and it wasn't until the words came out of his mouth that he realize how odd and funny his question was.
Then he proceeded to copy my trick moves and fart while he did it. Apparently, if Matt raises his hands above his head, it makes him fart.
I tell you this story not to embarrass myself or my husband, though I'm sure I just did, but just to give you a little window into the wackiness that takes place in our little apartment. We may not have 180+ channels of TV or a local Hollywood Video but we got ourselves some serious entertainment.
So later that night we hit the hay and just as we were settled in, I started laughing. I was replaying the scene in my head and just couldn't contain myself. It was funny. It was fun. And I was reminded at how blessed I am.
I'm blessed to have a husband who I can have fun with, to be silly with, and enjoy life with. I'm blessed that I really don't have anything to stress about, there isn't anything weighing us down, which gives us the time and freedom to just be us - as bizarre as we may be.


Any chance of getting some video? As always, I love your perspective!
The silly side of you both is what we love so much! I can't wait to see it and live it daily!
mrscotis said…
So jealous of the Mlack family. Wishing we could see it and live it daily. Oh how I miss the years of having you live in my house Riss. This one made me laugh out loud!

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