Where do I stand?

A few months ago we jaunted down to the Dominican Republic to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  Throughout the week, we met other couples and engaged in the basic getting to know you questions.

"Where are you from"? 
My husband always responded "Charlotte".

And every single time he told someone we were "from" Charlotte my skin got a bit itchy and I couldn't sit still.  Somehow, some way, I worked in a way to let the person know that we aren't actually from Charlotte. "We currently live in Charlotte, but we just moved there from the Seattle area".

Why couldn't I let the Charlotte thing ride?

I talked to Matt about it a few weeks later.  I asked why he said we were from Charlotte?   He said "We flew to the Dominican from Charlotte, what else is there to say"?

He had a valid point.  It would have been weird if we answered that we were FROM Northern California but after living all over the place, and spending the last 9 years in Washington, we flew in to the Dominican from Charlotte.

I think the PNW is just ingrained in me, it is part of my identity now and I am having a hard time shaking it.  Or maybe I just don't LOVE Charlotte and so I want to make sure people know that I am NOT from there.

Either way, it is clear that I am having some adjustment issues.  I am a little stuck in my past and unwilling to make my present, my present.

There is a scene in ELF where Buddy the Elf is stepping on to an escalator for the first time.  He steps one foot on, and the stairs rise, he leaves the other foot firmly planted on the ground and proceeds to launch his body into incredible splits.  That is me, I think I have one foot in the past and one foot looking for the future leaving me no feet to stand beneath me.


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