Saturday morning I woke up, looked over and realized I was awake way too early for a weekend morning with nothing on the calendar.  It was 6:30 and I decided to get up and make sure Eli was awake and getting ready for work.  I stepped into the hall and saw his light on and heard him shuffling around, the fact that he was on schedule gave me the peace I needed to head back to bed.  As I lay in bed, trying to return to my slumber, I had a dream that Eli was on his way to work and got in a car accident.  I suppose that isn't an odd dream for a mother of a new driver.  And the timing was also not so weird considering he was about to drive to work.
Hours passed through the day and I went about my business of making breakfast, wasting the day away with little tasks here and there, and gathering ideas for Christmas gifts. 
Around 1pm I decided to clean up the garage a bit, which led to vacuuming out my car, and changing the burned out lightbulbs facing our alleyway.  At some point as I was tackling these tasks, I thought Eli would be home any minute.  Although I didn't know the exact time, it felt like Eli should be home.  My mind flashed back to this morning's daymare of Eli getting in an accident.  I brushed it aside, finished my work outside and then headed in to check my phone and see if Eli had called.

He had.
About 8 times.
And he texted at least that many times. 
The first text that I saw was a quick three letter message from him.


I called him immediately and he said those words parents dread.  "Mom, I was in an accident"
He had been trying to reach Matt and I for about 30 minutes.  Matt was in a movie with Gabe and I was working in the garage.  Neither of us had a clue that Eli was sitting on the side of the road, feeling the weight and panic of his first accident.
He he was fine, he took a corner too fast and hit an island causing enough damage that the car couldn't move.

As we've been challenged lately with all this hard parenting stuff, one thing has been clear, I am not alone.  It is spooky sometimes, but time and again I have been prompted to check on a kid, look through their phone, or peek in their room only to find something that needed to be handled.  I can't explain it any other way than the Holy Spirit is prompting me to see things I wouldn't otherwise see, and I think today I had this weird car accident dream to maybe prepare myself so I didn't panic when I got the call.

John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit is sent to guide us into the truth.

I believe it, and I'm thankful for the whisper of truth and wisdom that is provided when search for it.


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