Find Another Calculator!
Today G and I were at the doctor's office for a routine check-up.
Other than the fact that he might have allergies, he is a happy, healthy guy.
As we were waiting for the doctor to come in for the exam, I commented that the doc specialized in diabetes care. We talked about diabetes and how some people are skinny and diabetic and others are chubby and how some forms of diabetes are hereditary while others are brought on by our own choices. That turned to an inquiry on healthy weight.
I opened up an ideal weight calculator I found in a quick online search and plugged in all the info to get the number that was Gabe's ideal weight. He weighs about 30 pounds more than the weight that was returned on the calculator. As soon as I said the number he said "find a different calculator".
It made me giggle a little.
How often do I do that?
When I don't like the answer that is put before me, I just look for a different answer that makes me happier or align with my preconceived ideas.
I searched again, found a different calculator and it returned a "healthy range" which Gabe's weight fell smack dab in the middle. He was fine with that and we moved on.
Has that ever happened to you?
Not happy with an answer so you searched further?
Think of any topic: vaccinations, teen jobs, AP classes, diet plans (no carbs, no dairy, no fatty foods, no butter, only butter, no coffee, coffee with butter, wine no wine - you name it, its out there) and just about any other topic you could come up with there is, no doubt, varying opinions on it.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing to see multiple opinions, but you know the difference deep down in your heart when you are looking for more information to make an informed decision or you are looking for justification in something that you know probably isn't wise.
In Paul's second letter to Timothy he warns against people seeking counsel from teachers who will say what their itching ears want to hear.
Maybe I need to consult a few more of those BMI and Ideal Weight charts..... I may have dismissed the ones that didn't itch my ears.
Other than the fact that he might have allergies, he is a happy, healthy guy.
As we were waiting for the doctor to come in for the exam, I commented that the doc specialized in diabetes care. We talked about diabetes and how some people are skinny and diabetic and others are chubby and how some forms of diabetes are hereditary while others are brought on by our own choices. That turned to an inquiry on healthy weight.
I opened up an ideal weight calculator I found in a quick online search and plugged in all the info to get the number that was Gabe's ideal weight. He weighs about 30 pounds more than the weight that was returned on the calculator. As soon as I said the number he said "find a different calculator".
It made me giggle a little.
How often do I do that?
When I don't like the answer that is put before me, I just look for a different answer that makes me happier or align with my preconceived ideas.
I searched again, found a different calculator and it returned a "healthy range" which Gabe's weight fell smack dab in the middle. He was fine with that and we moved on.
Has that ever happened to you?
Not happy with an answer so you searched further?
Think of any topic: vaccinations, teen jobs, AP classes, diet plans (no carbs, no dairy, no fatty foods, no butter, only butter, no coffee, coffee with butter, wine no wine - you name it, its out there) and just about any other topic you could come up with there is, no doubt, varying opinions on it.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing to see multiple opinions, but you know the difference deep down in your heart when you are looking for more information to make an informed decision or you are looking for justification in something that you know probably isn't wise.
In Paul's second letter to Timothy he warns against people seeking counsel from teachers who will say what their itching ears want to hear.
Maybe I need to consult a few more of those BMI and Ideal Weight charts..... I may have dismissed the ones that didn't itch my ears.