Today I Was Awesome!
Ok so "awesome" might be a stretch. Maybe "accomplished" would be a better descriptor.
Have I mentioned that my carpet looks like this?
And it smells just as nasty as it looks.
It didn't look like that from the beginning. It was freshly cleaned and all those stanky stains were hiding. The color of the carpet has always been indiscernible but the overall nastiness worked its way up over the past month or so. Probably a wee bit due to my insistence on cleaning the carpet with every possible urine smell remover known to man. Apparently, the cleaning actually draws the stain up. Oh well.
Because of the above photo, I have been less than excited to do anything to this house.
Perhaps part of me was hoping we would move out, so hanging stuff would be a waste of time.
But more likely is that as soon as I catch a whiff of Fido and Sir Pee's Alot I retreat to a happy place, outside or in a less stinky room of the house.
But now with the pending carpet installation, I have to either pack up all the pictures and stuff that have been leaning against walls for a month, or hang them.
Today I did this.
Special thanks to my sister for being available for texting consultation.
Disregard the empty space.
I had a hanging error, I mean I am saving that spot for something special.
And I unlocked this little beauty!
This is a trunk that I bought in France.
Oh those were the days when I went to French flea markets and found gorgeous little treasures.
So the trunk has a latch on it that is super tricky. So tricky that I never open the trunk because it takes way too long. But today I unlocked that sucker, and then....wait for it... fixed the messed up latch!
See, awesome.
Then, because I was doing so well projecting today, I went to my local hardware store and bought casters to raise the trunk up a little and make it more convenient to move around.
It was ok before but awesome now, not to mention functional!
And then there is this.
$3.99 at Ikea.
Box with dividers.
Magical organization of charging cords.
Mic drop.
And I'm spent.