Summer: Day 33

On the way home from Yellowstone yesterday we asked the boys a very important question:
"Of all the adventures you have had this summer, which was your favorite?"
There was silence in the backseat.
I thought maybe I should reword the question and ask again:
"5 day Bahama Cruise, 4 days in Disney World, one week at Camp Aunty, or camping in Yellowstone... which one of these adventures would you choose if you could only do one next summer?"

Eli said "its a toss up between Camp Aunty and camping in Yellowstone with the Mlacks".

These two trips were by far the easiest to plan, the cheapest, the closest, and the least glamorous.

My heart was warmed by the realization that this kid loves to be with his extended family more than anything else.   What speaks to him more than the glitz of Disney World or the beauty of Bahamian beaches is time spent doing fun things with the people he doesn't get to see every day.
I love that about him.
On our way home from the rendezvous in Ashland, a waiter asked Eli what his favorite part of his trip to California was? He played laser tag, went to a movie, went swimming, played in a Wipeout park, played at sky zone, played games, camped in the backyard, went to a show.... and on and on.  His response was simple "family".  That was his favorite part of the entire trip, just simply being with family.

Gabe was torn between the cruise and the camping trip to Yellowstone.

So that pretty much settles it - next summer there will be another camping adventure!


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