Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

The cruise ship toilets are very ferocious in their flushing task.  It is best to put the lid down before you flush the toilet to avoid any flushing mishaps.  
Everyone did such a good job of putting the seat and lid down on the ship.  Throughout the whole week on board I only found the lid up and the toilet unflushed once.  This is a big deal for my boys because they are dirty gross boys who don't think leaving all sorts of bodily waste, unflushed, with the seat up on the toilet is a problem.
Last night we were talking about our new house in Washington and I told them a blatant, wild lie.  "Boys, you absolutely have to put the seat and lid down on the toilets in Washington, just like on the cruise ship."  They looked horrified.  "Really?"  
"Yep" I said "you sure do.  Its very dangerous not to".
Matt was sitting next to me and kept his mouth shut, wise choice.
So, I lied to my kids......I hope it works!


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