Roller Coaster

To say the last few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster would in fact be the greatest understatement of the year.  We have enjoyed highest highs and deep lows, and the build up of the highs and quick drops to the lows.
Gabe has been struggling with controlling his emotions in a socially acceptable manner and finally two weeks ago he was suspended from school....twice in a week's time.  It is so hard as a parent to see your child making choices that you don't feel like you have condoned and equally hard to contemplate what will happen if the behavior doesn't change.  Thankfully, he seemed to have gone through a three week rebel period and has had two very good weeks since.
Our great trip to Budapest was sandwiched by challenging days with the car issues and then we were off to Normandy.  We had an absolutely incredible time in the Normandy area exploring a very significant place in world history and then we returned home to the news that Gabriel's amazing teacher delivered her baby over the weekend at 30 weeks gestation, and the baby died.  Gabriel is sad for his teacher's loss but he is more upset about not being able to see her again or say goodbye.  This teacher is very special to me and we were so blessed to have her this year.  She had endless grace and compassion for Gabe and she is truly a wonderful woman.  I too am so sad about the death of her daughter and wish I would have had a moment to say goodbye to her.
Yesterday my two girlfriends came over for one last breakfast together.  Although we hadn't really determined that this was our last breakfast ahead of time, I had a sinking feeling.  Once we were all here and looking at our calendars for the next time we would get together we realized there would be no more breakfast - turned lunch dates.  Our 2.5 years of meeting, eating, sharing our lives and studying God's word have come to an end.  We'll see each other again before we move but this was it for the lazy morning breakfasts.  These days were such a blessing.  No other time in my life have I been blessed with ladies that were able to commit to meeting every week to simply do life together and gain wisdom from each other.  It is hard to see this time end and really hard to see the sadness of our friend who is staying behind.
Tonight Matt's company is bidding us farewell, tomorrow the Mannheim Elementary School will close its doors for good after 50+ years, and Saturday we'll have one last hoorah with everyone we know at a giant neighborhood party.  A week from today we'll drive to Italy for a 7 day cruise of the Med.
Ups and downs, the roller coaster continues!


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