Playtime in the Great Room

Our old church has a large seating area and coffee shop located in the church lobby. It is a great place to mingle on a Sunday morning either before heading into a service or on the way out. While we were attending FCC, we regularly met up with friends in the Great Room, enjoyed some coffee and/or snacks, and let the kids play with their friends. When I was back at FCC two weeks ago, it was the same routine. We filed out of the service, parents found their kids and we all convened at a table in the Great Room to chat. While the adults were quietly engaging in conversation, the kids were running wild and participating in a nice giant dog-pile. They were loud and slightly obnoxious but seeing them all together again was so sweet.
Although a year has passed the boys saw their VA friends, and almost 2 years since we lived in Virginia, time has not broken down the bond that these kids have. They love each other, and for at least a moment, while they all rolled around the floor in the Great Room threatening to cause innocent bystanders to spill their coffee, everything in their world was just right.