2010 Auf Wiedersehen

I found pictures from each of the places we ventured and pictures of each of the families that came to visit us. I found pictures of each member of our family that totally revealed our character. I also found pictures of really great events in our lives. But, after hours of reliving the year I was still torn as to what I could post that would tell our story for 2010.
I finally came up with this one. It is quite possibly one of the poorest quality pictures we have but it is the Hernandez family in a nutshell.
Here we are in Wiesbaden a few weeks before Christmas. We were walking to the Christmas market when we happened upon this playground. This is a very bizarre merry-go-round type gazebo. (click on the photo to see it larger) The kids were just enjoying the ride, but Matt and I were trying to run in one side of the spinning contraption and come out the other without face-planting. We never made it, but it was fun trying.
This is us. We travel to cities throughout Europe, test out their playgrounds, and laugh wildly at ourselves. We slip in some sight-seeing and local cuisine here and there but for the kids, it is really about the playgrounds and hotels. We don't take ourselves too seriously, we get out and about as much as possible, and we treasure this great opportunity to live in and experience Europe.
As I looked back at all the places we went, people we visited, and events that took place I quickly realized why this year flew by as quickly as it did....it was a busy year! We are truly so blessed in the big and little things of 2010 and are excited for all that is in store for 2011.