Just like Dibs
About 5 years ago Mika introduced me to a little treat found in the freezer section called Dibs. They are little balls of chocolate covered ice cream and they are darn tasty. You don't need a spoon, just reach your hand in the container, pull out some dibs and pop them in your mouth. I tasted them for the first time in Nov 2005. I remember the exact time that I tasted them because it was a difficult period for me. Once I sampled the loveliness of the little dib, I lost all self-control with regards to eating them and it got ugly. I drew the line when one day I realized that my dinner consisted of a can of Coke and a carton of Dibs. I vowed to never eat a dib again. Oh people have tried to break me, but I've stood firm and can honestly say that I only consumed two in the past 5 years. One, Matt physically shoved in my mouth, and the other was just a few days ago. There was a carton in the freezer for weeks and I finally caved and ate one. OK two.
I was recently introduced to Angry Birds. If you don't know what Angry Birds is, take my advise and do not look it up. Don't test it out. Don't under any circumstances download this game to your phone. It has lead to the downfall of all mankind. Maybe not all mankind but at least me. Matt showed me this game on his phone and said "oh you are going to love this game, it is so addicting". Why would I love something addicting? Who knows but I got sucked in and have lost hours of my life and endured serious pain in my neck from hovering over the phone to play this game. To make matters worse, Matt downloaded it to his Ipad and so now I can play it on the super-screen.
I have to draw the line again, just like with the dibs. Clearly, I don't have the self control required for this evil evil game. I'm done. I'm throwing in the towel. No more tossing birds at frogs. Game Over.